Barry Mandel
The President of Mandel Group Inc., stands at the forefront of community betterment in Milwaukee. Barry’s commitment to community enhancement aligns seamlessly with the conference theme, offering a compelling perspective on reshaping narratives for a more inclusive world.
Kweku TeAngelo Cargile Jr.
Milwaukee Native raised by two Deaf parents who believe education is the key to success. He is a graduate of Messmer School, an alumnus of UW-Milwaukee with a degree in American Sign Language Studies.
He is a Social and Emotional Learning Program Quality Assessor through the Weikert Center and certified to lead their Youth Methods Trainings. He is a certified Rites of Passage facilitator through the ASENTU, African Centered Rites of Passage Institute of Milwaukee. He is a certified Community Health Worker through the Milwaukee Area Health Education Center. He is also a Cream City Credible Messenger trained through the Professional Community Intervention Training Institute (PCTI).
A few of his volunteer roles are: Vice chair for the Milwaukee Parks Foundation, Board Member of the United Adworkers, Board member of Milwaukee Youth Sports Association, Board member of the Seven Jewels Foundation, and Board Member of ASENTU, African Centered Rites of Passage Institute of Milwaukee. His previous role was with the Milwaukee Health Department’s Office of Violence Prevention as the Youth Injury & Violence Prevention Coordinator, where he oversaw the youth programming and partnerships for the office.
He currently serves as the Executive Director for The Brand Lab Milwaukee where he oversees the operations and success of the organization by creating true opportunities for BIPOC talent to thrive within marketing and advertising.